‘How My Girlfriend Died In My House!’ – True Life Story

Let me tell you a a true life story.


It actually happend about 10 years ago but the memories will live with me forever . Although I have not talked about it on social media but I feel like telling the story so that people will learn. It’s a long story but I’ll make it brief.

I was cohabiting with my girl back in the Uni, we have been like that for a few years , but then one day I came back to my lodge late in the night because I watched a football game on my way back from school. I opened my door and met my girl on the floor. She was motionless and her eyes were wide open, I checked her pulse but I couldn’t feel anything. Her teeth and her palms were clenched tight. I panicked and just froze at the spot not knowing what to do. I then called a few people in the lodge and alerted them about what was happening but before I knew it , the whole lodge people have gathered in my room and outside the door.

Nobody could tell what must have happend to her. We thought about rushing her to hospital but the school clinic is closed and there are no good hospitals in the area because the school is in a remote location, and it was almost midnight at the time. Some people did different type of first aid on her , trying to see if they can revive her but after few hours there still wasn’t any sign of life.
People started suspecting that she might be dead and started taking somethings from their rooms and leaving the lodge immediately. Out of the 30 occupants of the lodge only one person (student pastor) remained with me. The rest ran away from the lodge ,even my best friend .

The student pastor prayed and prayed to see if she will come back to life but nothing happend , at about 4am the Pastor told me that he has done everything he can and that it’s in the hands of God now. He then went to his room. It was just the two of us left in the building.

I sat down in my room, I didn’t know what to do, I couldn’t cry , I thought about how I was going to be arrested and charged for murder when in truth I’m innocent, which nobody will believe because of nigeria justice system. I thought about my parents , how they sacrificed to send me to school not knowing I was cohabiting with a girl . At some point I thought about running away, but that will mean I’m guilty and perhaps how far and how long would I be on the run before I would be caught.

I didn’t know who to call , I was just bereft of ideas. I decided I’ll submit myself to the police in the morning and explain what happend and possibly face the consequences. As I sat there waiting for day to break, I started scrolling through my phone contacts.
Mind you, I believe in God but I’m not a very religious person. I came across one pastor that gave me his phone number a long time ago. I then decided to just try my luck and call him. I called him and he picked up the call immediately as if he was waiting for the call.
I wanted to tell him what’s happening, but he cut me short and told me he already knows. That he was disturbed in the spirit and God revealed it to him so he started praying but he didn’t know it was for my situation he was praying for at that time.

He told me I should not be afraid , that everything will be fine. He asked me if I have any sachet water around , I looked around and got a sachet water . He then asked me to put the phone ontop of the water so her can pray in it. I did as he asked. After praying , he then asked me to try and force open her mouth anyway I can pour some water inside ,then sprinkled the rest all over her body.

I did everything he instructed. He then told me that everything will be alright and ended the call. By then it was almost 6am in the morning. I just sat there starring at her , then I saw her hand move a little bit, I cleaned my eyes and got closer to her so as to be sure my eyes were not deceiving me. Her hand moved again , then her legs . Before I knew it she opened her eyes and sat up. I couldn’t believe my eyes, I was in shock and was wondering if I’m imagining the whole thing.

Then she spoke and asked me what’s happening, and why is her body wet with water . I rushed out and called the student pastor who came running in to witness the first miracle of my life. He was singing praises to God. I knelt down and prayed to God and thanked him for the first time in a very long time . I made her a cup of tea after which she has a shower.

At about 7am in the morning, none of my lodgemates have returned . I looked outside the gate from my room and saw some of them with other people gathered in small groups whispering, waiting to get the full gist of how my girl died in my room .

I called my bike guy to come to the lodge because I want to take her to the hospital for checkup, I then came down to the gate with my girlfriend. As they saw her , they opened their mouth with shock and we’re too surprised to talk.

To cut the whole story short . I learnt some valuable lessons . Cohabiting with anybody you are not married is very risky, you wouldn’t know the risk until something happens to him or her.
The second lesson I learnt was that, when you get in trouble that’s when you will know that you are alone, people will run away from you.

Anyways , we continued dating, but I rented an apartment for her so stay separately. I also stopped her from sleeping in my place. Untill we eventually parted ways after I graduated.

Last updated on March 10th, 2025 at 07:08 am

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