December 16th 2022, a devastating occurance happened which was a BIG Shake to the whole NaijaChoice Media Inc.
Our server was injected by a deadly malware, All the websites on our server was infected by the virus and the files were corrupted.
My mistake was Naijachoice and its fellow websites on this server were not BACKEDUP to any storage, I trusted the server and our programmers but what happened was beyond everyone’s thought and expectation.
This is a NEW NAIJACHOICE (NaijaChoice Reformed 2.0) Same design, authors but different contents.
Before now NaijaChoice had over 40,000 Posts with 4.5Million views monthly. Sadly, we are in Healing stage.
Currently, we are working on recreating old posts and maintaining the previous urls, use the comments section below to make a request on any post/music or movies you can’t find on NaijaChoice.
To the music artistes, we vow to keep your files with us forever, kindly send your music promo content to us on WhatsApp or Mail. (Along with proof of payment, to verify you’ve paid for promotions before).